The most common termite seen is the flying termite. They come in swarms and look much like ants. They go straight for light sources and will enter your home through cracks or windows.
These fliers are not a species of termites, but they are a certain class in the termite hierarchy called swarmers or breeders.
Seeing them usually means that there is a colony somewhere close. It's a bad sign if you see them coming from your house and moving to other locations. This usually means your home is infested.
These breeders usually leave their colony seasonally. The spring and the fall during warmer temperatures are their prime times. During this time they look for a new place to begin a colony. Male and female will begin mating and shedding their wings. Pairs of wings laying on the ground are also another sign of them entering your home. It takes two of them to begin a new colony.
You may see a lot more than just two though, they swarm in groups of over a thousand. Any crack or space can be a way for dozens to get inside your house.